速報APP / 遊戲 / Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 The Hunting Seas

Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 The Hunting Seas


檔案大小:243.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 The Hunting Season 3D Hunter Challen(圖1)-速報App

It’s Open Season - join the hunt today!

Lets go hunting with Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 3D. This is an amazing and addictive action game to take you to an ultimate adventure in the most visually stunning FPS hunting simulator!

All you have to do is, grab your rifle and go bag as many monster bucks as you can!

Immerse yourself in diverse environments filled with Big Game. The deer might be unaware of your presence so give your best shot and take as many deer home as you can.

You will see the most amazing 3D realistic environments in this game, sounds of the weapons, mountains and animals.


First Person Shooting

Efficient Gun Control

3D Graphics

Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 The Hunting Season 3D Hunter Challen(圖2)-速報App

Real Time Forest Environment

Real hunting experience

Great Game play

Multiple weapons with quick change abilities


Rotate your gun around with screen swipe

Camera zoom to get accurate shots

Mission based game play to complete all missions

Shooting accuracy and skills

Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 The Hunting Season 3D Hunter Challen(圖3)-速報App

Swap guns to fit your style and accuracy

Deer Hunt Big Game 2016 The Hunting Season 3D Hunter Challen(圖4)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad